Open Morning Friday 6th February at 9am. To register to attend, please go to "Visit Us", under the Admissions pages, link below.

Visit Us

Edward Rees, Headmaster

Entry to Reception

Places for the Reception Classes are offered a year and a half in advance of entry.  Registered siblings and the children of staff and ex-pupils have priority for entry to the Reception Classes and then places will be offered in order of “age of the child at registration,” that is, the time elapsed between the date of birth and the date of registration in years, months and days.  Please note that confirmation of registration is not a guarantee of a place at the school.

We recommend registration as soon as possible after the birth of the child.

Entry to Years 1 to 6

A few occasional places may become available for entry into Years 1 to 6. Children wishing to enter the school in these year groups must be registered by November of the previous year and will then be invited to attend an assessment in January for entry the following September.  For further details, please contact the Registrar.

Registration Process

Please complete the online Hornsby House School Registration Form .

Apply online

Offer Process

Places for the Reception Classes are offered a year and a half in advance of entry.  If your child is offered a place, confirmation of this will be made upon receipt of £2,500, payable a year and a half in advance of your child’s entry.  This deposit is not refundable if your child fails to take up a place at the school.  The deposit will form part of the general funds of the school until it is credited without interest to the final payment of fees, or other sums due to the school on your child’s leaving.


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