In the final week of half term, Hornsby House ran their first-ever Virtual Sports Day for years 3 to 6. Children took part in 4 events: Standing Long Jump, Wall Throws, Speed Bounce and an 800m race. Pupils were awarded house points for taking part, as well as receiving extra house points based on their scores.

Supporting Armstrong House!
All of the staff in the Sports Department were so proud of all the children for their efforts and were incredibly impressed at all the photos and videos that were sent in.
Mr Cooper, Head of PE
The House that received the most points and was therefore crowned HHS Virtual Sports Day Winners 2020 were …

Siblings in the same family participated in events as a team. Here is an example of one of our families taking part in their own version of the (in)famous obstacle course!
Lower School pupils in Reception to Year 2 were tasked with recreating the famous Lower School Obstacle Race that takes place on Sports Day every year. Here is what the PE Department had to say in response to the entries received:
We were so impressed with all the creative obstacle courses that were designed, some even included trampolines, paddling pools, sprinklers and eggs and spoons!
Well done to everyone that took part, and thank you for embracing the alternative, but highly successful, change of format this year.
Posted 8 June 2020