Typically the Year 6 play would be a live production, but COVID-19 necessitated a change from the usual format. Never one to be deterred by a challenge, Mrs. Mansfield responded with an exciting solution. It involved shooting the production in segments using a green screen backdrop.
The clips were edited together to create the film as a whole.
The music and drama department collaborated to oversee the production, but it was the pupils themselves who took on most of the key roles:
“The Year 6 children became actors, directors, sound engineers, designers and editors to create the film version of Pantastic- it is all their work and they did an incredible job!”
Mrs. Mansfield, Head of DRAMA
Pantastic received its premiere in school on Friday. For the event, pupils arrived in style to a red carpet welcome, complete with an official photocall and applause from the Year 6 form teachers. The pupils were thrilled to have such an exciting format for the debut screening of their production:
“Today was a wonderful day. We had our photos taken when we arrived at school and walked on a red carpet while the teachers clapped, then we watched the film – it was so good.
It was such a fun experience!”
– Lola, year 6 pupil
Posted 30 June 2020